Удосконалення технології виробництва гомогенних кормових суспензій та ефективність їх використання при відгодівлі свиней

Solyanik M. B. Improvement of technology of production of homogeneous forage suspension and efficiency of their use at fattening pigs. - Manuscript.

Dissertation on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate of agricultural sciences after speciality 06.02.04 is technology of production of products of stock-raising. it is the Kherson state agrarian university, Kherson. - 2007.

Dissertation is devoted to development of technology of preparation of homogeneous forage mixtures that feed production vehicle, which simultaneously executes such processes as growings shallow, mixing and suspense production, and warmed up a stern.

The method of preparation of homogeneous forage mixtures is first developed in a water environment, which is instrumental in the increase of food value of forages. The increase of digestible of basic nutritives is set in the organism of pigs at feeding of homogeneous forage mixtures comparative with dry, moistened and steamed sterns.

The use of homogeneous suspension forages promotes the level of fattening and meat qualities of pigs. Set features of conduct of pigs and difference in the microclimate of apartments at feeding of forages of a different consistency.

Keywords: technology, pigs, forage, feed production aggregate, gidromill-mixer, homogeneous forage suspension, fattening, productivity.

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