Оптимізація елементів технології вирощування амаранту зернового напрямку в умовах південного Степу України

Optimization the elements of growing technology corn an amaranth in the conditions of south Steppe in Ukraine. It is Manuscript.

Dissertation on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate of agricultural sciences after speciality 06.01.09 is a plant-grower. Kherson state agrarian university, Kherson 2008.

Dissertation work is devoted optimization the basic elements of growing technology corn an amaranth. In result of researches has been certainly influence of term, method of sowing, norm of sowing, irrigation and mineral fertilizers on the processes of growth and development of plants to the amaranth, his harvest and quality of corn, indexes of economic and bioenergetichi efficiency of growing this culture. Information has got in relation to planning of harvest taking into account maintenance of feed elements in soil in the conditions of the natural moistening and at irrigation.

For reception the most productivity corn of the amaranth with the maximal output of protein and butter and receipt the most net income in the conditions of south Steppe in Ukraine on dark-chestnut serednosouglincovomou soil it is recommended to conduct sowing of culture at a temperature 18_ 20 in a layer groundout 0-10 s-m, that is in most cases on the second ten-days period the May. To use the wide row method of sowing with the width of spaces between rows 60 s-m and norm of sowing 2,25 million per/he raising seeds. To apply the calculation norm of mineral fertilizers on the planned harvest, taking into account content the elements of feed in grunt. In years with insufficient moisture providing to conduct vegetation pouringis in the phases of butonization and flowering at 70-75% NV in a layer grunt 0-70 sm.

Keywords: corn amaranth, growing technology, term of sowing, method of sowing, norm of sowing, irrigation, mineral fertilizers, productivity, quality, economic efficiency.

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