Особливості технології вирощування пивоварних сортів ярого ячменю в умовах східної частини Лісостепу України

Skydan V. A. Features of technology of growing malting varieties of spring barley in the conditions of the eastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. - Manuscript.

Dissertation for the candidate of agricultural sciences degree in speciality 06.01.09 - Plant Production. - Yuryev Plant Production Institute UAAS, Kharkov, 2008.

This dissertation presents the results of researches on the study of peculiarities of forming productivity and quality of new malting varieties of spring barley depending on the basic elements of growing technologies. There is improved optimal the predecessors, the systems of fertilizer, the methods of basic tillage of soil, sowing-rate and the sowing-dates of malting barley for the condition of the region, which permit to get high-quality grain at the high yield level of modern varieties.

It is recommended to apply the mineral fertilizers in at the rate of N30P30K30 at ploughing and N30 at sowing cultivation of spring barley of malting direction, sowing to conduct in the first days of physical ripeness of soil with the sowing-rate of 5,5 mln/ha after the predecessors of sugar beet or corn for on grain. There is also estimated economic and bioenergetic efficiency of this technology of growing spring barley in the conditions of the eastern part of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

Keywords: spring barley, quality of grain, malting variety, producing ability, predecessor, method of basic tillage of soil, system of fertilizer, sowing-date, sowing-rate.

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Особливості технології вирощування пивоварних сортів ярого ячменю в умовах східної частини Лісостепу України

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