Продуктивність люцерно-злакових травосумішок залежно від видового складу компонентів та рівня мінерального удобрення в умовах правобережного Лісостепу України

Yarmolenko O. V. Lucerna and cereal grass mixtures productivity depending on the component species composition and the level of mineral fertilization under the conditions of the right bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. - Manuscript.

The dissertation to obtain a scientific degree of candidate of agricultural sciences in speciality 06.01.12 - fodder production and meadow science. - Vinnytsa state agrarian university and Fodder Institute of UAAS, Vinnytsa, 2008.

The researchers' results concerning the influence of mineral fertilizers doses and the ratio of nourishment elements in them on the process of crop capacity formation and the quality of green and dry mass of lucerna and cereal grass mixtures are considered in the dissertation. Energetic and economic efficiency of lucerna and cereal grass mixtures growing, using phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers is defined. According to the results of the researches lucerna's mixtures with thornless ears, meadow tymophiivka and simple cane are recommended to be sown under conditions of right bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine.

These mixtures provide with the harvest of dry substance 9,31; 9,32 and 9,15 t/ha accordingly. Crop capacity excess made 0,81; 0,73 and 0,65 t/ha in comparison with sowing lucerna. Average excess of dry substance according to the fertilizers variants doses bromus inermis made 1,51; 2,43; 3,12 and 4,01 t/ha.

Grass mixtures of sowing lucerna with thoenless ear and meadow tymophiivka provided with the highest profit per square unit (3,281-3,882 uhr/ha) and the efficiency level (192-227 %) applying mineral fertilizer calculating N90P90K120. The highest energetic coefficient - 4,8-5,6 was in the same variants.

Key words: sowing lucerna, cereal grass, fertilizers norms, productivity, fodder value, economic efficiency.

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