Вплив біотичних факторів і технологічних прийомів на формування різноякісного насіння сої в умовах північно-східної частини Лісостепу України

Skoromnyy S. V. Influence of biotic factors and technological receptions on forming of heterogeneous seed of soy in the conditions of North-eastern part of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine - Manuscript.

Thesis for degree of the candidate of agricultural science, specialty 06.01.14 - seed-growing. - Plant Production Institute named after V. Ya. Yurjev UAAS, Kharkov, 2006.

Dissertation is devoted to a study of heterogeneity of soybean seeds by duration of vegetation period and some of it parts, by linear parameters and seeds mass, by plant peculiarities and yield abilities. Researching the methods of sowing and presowing methods of influence upon the soybean seeds for removing of negative effect of heterogeneity. The genetic quality of soybean's sorts are determine of duration of it vegetation period, but weather conditions can alter it. The large soybean seeds are forming on plant by influence of ecological factors. The increasing of plant productivity and yield with apply of hexagonal and row sowing methods was proved. The offered method of presowing seeds sorting can separate the fraction of seeds with high yield abilities. The possibility of substitution chemical disinfection of seeds for ecological safe methods was proved.

Key words: seeds, soybean, heterogeneity, yield, disinfection, sowing methods, sorting, presowing processing.

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Вплив біотичних факторів і технологічних прийомів на формування різноякісного насіння сої в умовах північно-східної частини Лісостепу України

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