Гідроморфологічна оцінка екологічного стану річок басейну тиси в межах України

Iarochevitch O. E. Hydromorphological assessment of ecological status for rivers in Tisza basin within Ukraine. - Manuscript.

Thesis for an academic degree of the candidate of geographical science in the specialty 11.00.07 - land hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry.- Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Kyiv, 2008.

The thesis represents the study of hydromorphological parameters of rivers of Ukrainian part of the Tisza basin and their assessment as a part of ecological status determination using the proposed methodology. The thesis presents key elements of hydromorphological river assessment, their definition and order of implementation.

The main hydrographic characteristics of Ukrainian part of Tisza basin are clarified, namely area of the basin, length of the river, and zoning of its catchment. Identification of water bodies in the Tisza basin using the different categories (rivers, lakes and artificial water bodies) is conducted. For the first time, typology of the Tisza basin is done, using size and altitude of the basin, geology and average size of the riverbed sediments. As a result, 12 abiotic river types were identified.

Methodology of hydromorphological river assessment is proposed, which allows using quantitative criteria to calculate a hydromorphological index and status of a river at representative sites and in general. It includes several new statements to take into account natural specifics of rivers in Ukrainian part of Tisza basin. The additional parameters for assessment of hydrological regime (maximum discharge) are proposed, the width of floodplain of mountaineer rivers to be studied is clarified, threshold values of hydromorphological classes are identified. The methodology includes two new elements: analysis of sediments composition and assessment of the processes of riverbed establishment with identification of riverbed types. The main statements of the hydromorphological monitoring system in the Tisza basin are scientifically grounded.

Following the requirements of EU Water Framework Directive, hydromorphological assessment of the rivers of two sub-basins of Tisza: Uzh and Borzhava was conducted. The results of the study showed that the majority of the rivers belong to excellent and good classes. In the same time, the worst indexes are received due to parameters of floodplain and riparian zone. Maintenance measures for the rivers in excellent and good hydromorphological class and restoration measures for the rivers in moderate and bad hydromorphological status are proposed in the thesis.

Key words: hydromorphological assessment, ecological status, water body, identification, typology, survey unit, bottom sediments, riverbed formation, hydromorphological monitoring.

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