Закономірності диниміки чисельності популяцій ратичних (Artiodactyla) в лісових біоценозах гірського Криму

Yarysh V. L. Regularities of the dynamics of hoof-animals (Artiodactyla) populations in the forest biocenosis of the Mountain Crimea. - Manuscript.

Dissertation on the receipt of the scientific of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences by specialty 06.03.03. - Forestry and silvicultural. - National Agricultural University, Kyiv, 2007.

Results of the investigations of changes in the quantity of hoof-animals in the Mountain Crimea in the period from 1980 to 2003 years are presented in the dissertation. It is found out that the period of quantity changes is 6.6 years for red deer and 4.8 years for roe deer. The shortening of the period of quantity changes as compared with the common populations is a defense device under conditions of a continuous antropogenic press.

According to the acclimatization theory the wilde boar population passes the stage of quantity stabilization now.

During the period of the research the red deer and wilde boar population almost corresponds to the optimum capacity of pastures, while the roe deer population keeps the 70% level.

Because of the trophic competition between roe deer and red deer the last outlives roe deer in the Reserve territory, while in the hunting territories roe deer becomes dominant as a more sinantrop animal.

Biocenosis of the existence of hoof-animals in Crimea are limited by forest biotopes, which have the best defense capacities. Hunting territories hold 86% of the square and the reserve fund - 14%.

On the example of the Karadag natural reserve the present conception of reserve has been revised.

Key words: red deer, roe deer, wilde boar, mouflon, forest biocenosis, hunting territories, natural reserve fund, quantity dynamics, optimal capacity.

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Закономірності диниміки чисельності популяцій ратичних (Artiodactyla) в лісових біоценозах гірського Криму

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