Методичні та експериментальні основи оцінки процесу обводнення нафтогазових родовищ за результатами геофізичних досліджень

Fedak I. O. Methodological and experimental basis of the irrigation of oil and gas fields process evaluation on the results of geophysical exploration (on the example of Semenivske oil field): - Manuscript. Candidate's of geological sciences thesis, specialty 04.00.22 - Geophysics. - Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of oil and gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, 2010. In this thesis the pressing problems of geophysical control and prognostication of the productive layers-collectors of the oil and gas fields irrigation process are determined. The possibility of isolation of the collectors with microporosity on the basis of the interconnection between the intensity of the natural gamma radiation and intensity of gamma radiative capturing of the thermal neuron analysis. On the basis of sediment and logging analysis the classification of the gamma logging curves due to their shape is established, and the schemes of the distribution of zones with different dynamics of diffusion of fine-dispersed fraction where the lithologic non-uniformity of productive packs of the Semenivske oil field is created. We have improved the methods of calculation of permeability index of reservoir beds according to the results of geophysical and petrophysical investigations. We have built detailed filtration model of Semenivske oil field on the basis of the geophysical information which allows to forecast the advancing water invasion of the productive horizons. We have created methodological grounds of the use of the radon tracer technique and conducted theoretical justification of the thermosetting logging for determination of water-encroached gaps in the geological cross-sections of the production well under complicated geotechnical conditions.

Key words: filtration capacitive properties, structure of the pore space, sedimentation logging analysis, radon tracer technique, thermoactivated method, modeling, water flooding of productive horizons, filtration model.

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Методичні та експериментальні основи оцінки процесу обводнення нафтогазових родовищ за результатами геофізичних досліджень

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