Литература - Разработка покерного робота

    1. Правила Техасского холдема. Режим доступа: http//pokerstars. com/ru, свободный. (дата обращения: 09.04.2013) 2. Абстракция в компьютерном покере. Режим доступа: http//habrahabr. ru, свободный. (дата обращения: 11.04.2013) 3. Dizman, D. Review of four artificial intelligence agents for poker. Retrieved April 2, 2013, from website: http://static. dendiz. com 4. Chen, B. &; Ankenman, J. (2006). The mathematics of poker. New York: ConJelCo. 5. Billings, D., Papp, D., Schaeffer, J. and Szafron, D. (1998). Opponent modeling in poker. Retreived April 13, 2013, from University of Alberta website: http://webdocs. cs. ualberta. ca/~darse/Papers/AAAI98.html 6. Rounder, R. (2009). Poker math made easy. Roy Rounder Communications, Inc. 7. Felix, D. (2008). Artificial intelligence techniques in games with incomplete information: opponent modelling in Texas holdem. Porto: FEUP.

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