Творчий внесок академіка О. В. Квасницького у розвиток фізіології тварин в Україні

Harmash T. P. Academician O. V. Kvasnytsky's creative contribution to the development of anymals' physiology in Ukraine. - Manuscript.

The dissertation is on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate of agricultural sciences after speciality 06.04.01- history of agricultural sciences. The UAAS Pig Breeding Institute named after O. V. Kvasnytsky, Poltava, 2006.

This work is the first complex research of practical-scientific activity of the academician Olexsiy Volodimirovich Kvasnytsky.

The academician O. V. Kvasnytsky was the first, who learned in details the physiology of digestion of pigs on the basis of the personally developed methods of researches and application of them in the chronic experiments.

Creatively inheriting to the І. P.Pavlov ideas O. V. Kvasnytsky became a founder of study of higher nervous activity of pigs in Ukraine. The studies about the adaptation mechanisms of organism of animals and warning of origin of stresses at them in the conditions of intensification of production belong to him.

O. V. Kvasnytsky is founder of studies about the generative function of animals' ovaries and testis spermaries. Championship in forming of positions about biological variety and full value of gametes and embryos within the limits of one generation belongs to him. O. V. Kvasnytsky is author of scientific developments of world level on transplantations of embryos of pigs, on endometrial fertilization of cows and factious method of artificial insemination of pigs which are the basic constituents of modern biotechnology. O. V. Kvasnytsky was the first who carried out the successful attempt of adjusting of physiology processes in the organism of animals which are instrumental in the increase of indexes of prolificness, giant fetusness and intensity of growth to the sapling. O. V. Kvasnytsky interlinked the scientific study with the pedagogical activity, the result of which became the creation of scientific school of physiology of animals which is one of conducting in Ukraine.

Keywords: Physiology, gastric digestion, higher nervous activity, stresses, reproduction, transplantation, artificial insemination, fractious method.

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