Розробка біотехнологічних методів і використання їх для створення вихідного селекційного матеріалу цикорію коренеплідного (Cichorium intybus L.) та буряків цукрових (Beta vulgaris L.)

Ryabovol L. O. The development of biotechnological techniques and use their for the creation of initial breeding material of rhizocarpous chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L.) -- Manuscript.

Dissertation for the degree of a Doctor of Agricultural Sciences in the speciality 06.0.05 -- plant breeding. -- NRC "Institute of Agriculture of the UAAS", Kyiv, 2009.

The thesis is devoted to the solution of the problem of working out a new technology of breeding process through the use of a biotechnological link when forming initial breeding material to get heavy productive varieties of rhizocarpous chicory and heterotic hybrids of sugar beet.

The regularities of morphogenesis process passing in isolated culture of rhizocarpous chicory are established; biotechnological reproduction techniques and the methods of preservation of genetically stable forms and the induction of its changed initial forms are developed. Biotechnological practices of getting haploid and homo-diploid materials and homozygotic lines of sugar beet when haploidy is stimulated are improved, the conditions of spontaneous and induced diploidization of haploid biomaterials in vitro culture are determined. Optimal conditions for the active collection formation are chosen, the bank of genetic materials of the species mentioned is created.

With the use of a developed technology a new initial breeding material of rhizocarpous chicory and sugar beet is obtained, and also parent components of heterotic beet hybrids Avtorytetnyi, Rus 3 and Agrarnyi are received.

Key words: rhizocarpous chicory, sugar beet, breeding techniques, biotechnology, in vitro, callus, morphogenesis, plant-regenerant, haploid, homozygotic line, parent material.

Підписано до друку 20.07.2009 р. Формат 60х90/16

Обсяг 1,9 умов. друк. арк. Наклад 100 прим.

Замовлення № 71.

Редакційно-видавничий відділ Уманського ДАУ

Свідоцтво ДК № 2499 від 18.05.2006 р.

20305, м. Умань, вул. Інститутська, 1

Тел. 8(04744)3-22-35

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