Професійно орієнтована освітня діяльність у процесі довузівської підготовки абітурієнтів

Soshenko S. M. Professionally oriented educational activity of school-leavers in the process of pre-university training. - Manuscript.

Ph. D. (Pedagogy) thesis in the specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and methods of professional education. - Kharkiv Skovoroda National Teachers Training University, Kharkiv, 2011.

The dissertation is a theoretical and practical research of the problem of professional orientation of school-leavers in the process of pre-university training.

Тhe dissertation paper defines the terms "school-leavers professional self-determination", "professionally oriented pre-university training", "educational activity"; points out the main factors influencing school-leavers' choice of profession, determines psychological-pedagogical aspects of educational activity of pre-university training.

Theoretical grounding and experimental verification were given to pedagogical conditions of professionally oriented educational activity in the process of pre-university training of school leavers, i. e. professional directing aiming at formation of school-leavers' professionail direction and correction of professional self-determination of a person; taking into account individual featuris of a person in educational process with the purpose of improvement of the level of school-leavers' knowledge and skills formation; normaligation of the functional state of school-leavers under specific conditions with the aim of improving the efficiency of educational activity.

Developments of structural-logical discipline modulation studied in process of pre-university training acquired further development.

Key words: professional self-determination, pre-university training, pedagogical conditions of professionally oriented activity of school-leavers in process of pre-university training, training education.

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Професійно орієнтована освітня діяльність у процесі довузівської підготовки абітурієнтів

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