III. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

    1. We are playing cricket now. 2. They will be waiting for their coach in the gym at 7.00 a. m. 3. The game is getting more interesting. 4. They were writing grammar exercises at that time yesterday. 5. She was taking her final exams at that time last year. 6. They are discussing a new project in the conference hall now. 7. She is running marathon today. 8. Pete and Jane were playing chess when I came in. 9. He was meeting the opponent team at the airport at 9.30 a. m. yesterday. 10. He is visiting his parents at the week-end.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из времен группы Continuous.

Переведите предложения:

    1. Look! Tom (swim) over there! 2. When I came to the stadium Alex ( run) 100 metres. 3. It's 10.30 in the morning. We ( have) our training practice. 4. If you come to Jane at 9.00 tomorrow morning, she ( sleep) still. 5. Listen! Susan ( play) the piano. 6. While the boys ( play) football, the girls ( run) sprint. 7. Where was John when you came?- He was at home. He ( write) a report. 8. It's early morning. We ( do) our morning exercises. 9. Where is John? He ( practise) at the stadium. 10. Please don't take this book. Ann (read) it.

VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    1. What are you doing at the week-end? 2. Is there a football match at the stadium this Sunday? Who is playing? 3. Is it going to be an interesting game? 4. Are your parents leaving on Sunday? 5. Are you going to see your parents off? 6. When are they coming back?

V. Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу личными и притяжательными местоимениями. Переведите предложения:

What is Alex? ______is our new goalkeeper.

A. it; b. this; c. he

It was ___who told you about the match, not Pete.

I; b. me; c. mine

John is ____old friend.

A. mine; b. me; c. my

May I take your ball?

No, you can't. And where is ____?

Your; b. you; c. yours

Do you know anything about Jim?

He is fine. I often see____ at the stadium.

A. his; b. he; c. him

I know__ and __ brother.

He; b. his; c. him

Him; b. he; c. his

I see __ and __ children.

Their; b. them; c. they

Them, b. they; c. their

Take __ pen. __ is better.

My; b. mine; c. me

A. mine; b. my; c. me

VI. Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу возвратными и усилительными местоимениями. Переведите предложения:

Let me introduce .... My name is Alex.

The problem .... is quite simple.

I want to buy ... a new car.

The coach and the doctor gave all the instructions ....

I'll make ... a cup of coffee.

Pete ... called me yesterday.

Take care of ... when you go canoeing, Bob.

The boxer defended.... actively.

Be careful, you can hurt....

I saw A. Medved....


It was in the middle of 1966. The Alpine World Championships were held for the first time. Everybody could see that a skier from France, Jean-Claude Killy, was striving for a gold medal in the downhill as well as the overall three-event combined title. The French team was awarded sixteen out of twenty-four possible medals. This was the greatest sports victory.

The country was greeting a new hero: J.-C. Killy - tall, blond, modest, who was to outdo the best ski experts 1Of Austria, Switzerland or any other country! After a three-week rest Killy was training again for the 1967 winter season. For the first time a World Alpine Skiing Cup was going to be held 2. To become a World Cup champion a skier had to win 3 or to place well in the slalom, downhill and giant slalom events throughout the season. Killy wanted that Cup. Jean-Claude felt that success was coming to him. His father dreamed that his son would be a world ski champion. He gave the boy a fine pair of skis and the freedom to use them.

When he was eight years old Jean-Claude won a trophy for ski jumping, at nine he won a gold Chamonix medal. When Killy was ten years old he won a regional race and outdistanced his nearest rival by nine seconds. By the time the 1967 season opened J.-C. Killy was not only in top form physically but was sure he would prove the world that he was the best 4

In Adelboden, Switzerland, he won the season's first giant slalom, giving him twenty-five points in the World Cup standings.

The following year increased his fame by winning three gold medals at the Olympics in Grenoble and his second World Cup. By then Jean-Claude Killy had nothing more to win to prove through further competitions.

He had equalled to Toni Sailer's three-medal victory at Olympics. At twenty-four the man who was the best in the world retired from the competition.

Dr. Roger Gulbert Bannister was the first man to run the mile in under four minutes 5 which in its day was the greatest achievement in athletics.

His career in athletics was short but of great value not only to himself and to the sport, but to medical science.

The first that was heard of him was in 1947 when he won the Inter-Varsity Mile6 But from this moment he was seldom out of the headlines7.

He won the Inter-Varsity event again in three following years. In 1950 he won the mile for the British Universities against their American rivals. Though unsuccessful in the 1952 Olympics in 1954 he became the first man to run the distance under four minutes.

But the story of Bannister off the track is more interesting. He ran with a very definite aim - to find out what the human body could stand 8. Bannister did more training in front of the cinema screen. He studied every movement, went into the technical problems of defeating runners of equal stamina and speed. To Bannister athletics was not only a sport but a science. His medical knowledge helped him work out tactical schemes to outwit his opponents 9.Many milers believe that the start should be slow, no faster than the average speed for the first lap. Bannister thought just the opposite and could prove it theoretically.

Another key to Bannister system lies in the study of opponents. Tactics is not only a study of what you plan to do yourself but also the ability and intentions of your rivals. Before the race he always knew the best times of his opponents. He divided them into sprinters and stayers and into leaders and followers. What he demonstrated and proved is now accepted as sound tactics for the mile.

Victor Ivanov: May I introduce myself. I'm Victor Ivanov.

John Smith:My name is John Smith. Excuse me, are you Belarusian?

VI: Well, I'm Russian actually. I was born in Moscow. But now I live in Minsk.

Are you English?

JS:Well, I'm Welsh. I was born in Cardiff, the capital of Wales. What are you looking for here?

VI:I'm a first-year student of the Belarusian State University of Physical Culture. I'm getting ready for my lectures here10.

JS:Oh, I see. What will you be after graduating from the university?

VI:I'm going to be a football coach.

JS:I'm sorry, what did you say? Football? What football?

VI:You call it association football, or soccer.11 I like it very much. I began to take up football when I was seven. At fifteen I played for the Dynamo junior team. We were a success and won the Republican championship.

JS:I see you are a very good footballer.

VI:I hope I am. Now I play for the Dynamo team and for the National junior football team. My dream is to take part in the World Cup competition.

JS:Oh, that's very interesting. Good luck! I'm pleased to meet you. Good-bye!

VI:Bye-bye. See you later!


    1 ... who was to outdo the best ski experts -... которому было суждено превзойти самых высоко квалифицированных лыжников. Глагол to be в данном случае является эквивалентом модального глагола must и указывает на обязательный характер действие или события. 2 ...a World Alpine Skiing Cup was going to be held -... должны были состояться соревнования на Кубок Мира по горнолыжному спорту 3a skier had to win - ...лыжник должен был выиграть. Глагол to have имеет в данном случае модальное значение долженствования, обусловленного внешними причинами или обстоятельствами. 4 ...was sure he would prove the world that he was the best -... был уверен в том, что докажет миру, что он самый лучший... 5 under four minutes - менее четырех минут 6 the Inter-Varsity Mile - соревнования между университетами Англии в беге на милю 7 he was seldom out of the headlines... - редко его имя не попадало в газетные заголовки... 8 ...what the human body could stand - ...что может вынести организм человека 9 to work out tactical schemes to outwit his opponents - разработать тактические схемы, чтобы перехитрить соперников 10I'm getting ready for my lectures here. - Я здесь готовлюсь к лекциям. 11You call it association football or soccer? - Вы называете его "футбол" или "соккер"?

Соккером называется футбол по правилам Национальной ассоциации футболистов Великобритании


I. а. Укажите в каком абзаце текста вы найдете ответы на следующие вопросы:

A.1.How is the winner of the World Alpine Skiing Cup determined?

2. How did success come to J.-C. Killy?

B.1.What were the main steps in Dr. Bannister's athletic career?

    2. How did his medical knowledge help Dr. Bannister outdistance his opponents? 3. What was the role of tactics in his athletic victories?

Задайте еще вопросы, на которые вы бы хотели получить ответы:

II. а Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

A. уйти из спорта, зимний сезон, лучшие лыжники, стремиться к медали, в следующем году, пара лыж, ближайший соперник, трехнедельный отдых, впервые, в течение сезона, троеборье, ко времени, в общем зачете, проводиться, тренироваться к сезону, занять хорошее место, обойти на 9 секунд, доказать миру, отличная спортивная форма, сравняться с к-либо.

В. вникать в, бегуны, обладающие одинаковой выносливостью, за пределами дорожки стадиона, величайшее достижение в спорте, спортсмен, специализирующийся в беге на одну милю, первый, кто пробежал, определенная цель, медицина, выйграть в составе команды Британских университетов, выйти из 4 минут, изучать каждое движение, легкая атлетика, средняя скорость, круг, намерения, тактические схемы, соперники, лучшее время, стайер, разумная тактика.

B. Укажите, какие из них могут быть использованы как ключевые слова для пересказа текста.

Ш. Заполните таблицу, подобрав глаголам подходящие по смыслу существительные. Переведите словосочетания:


To strive forto win

To greetto run

To outdoto study

To train forto go into

To outdistanсeto defeat

To beto outwit

A gold medal, the best ski exterts, a seasona scheme, a problem, an opponent,

I. Выпишите из текстов слова с общим корнем и сгруппируйте их по частям речи.

II. Из предложенных слов выберите нужные по смыслу:

In 1968 J.-C. Killy ... the world that he was the best.

Killy's father dreamed that his son would be ... ...

He ... the best ski experts from Austria, Switzerland and many other countries.

After a short rest Killy began ...for the 1967 winter season.

At a regional race he outdistanced his nearest ... by 9 seconds.

By the time the 1967 season opened Jean-Claude was in ... ...

His victory gave him 25 points in еру World Cup ...

When Jean-Claude was ten he won a regional ...

III. Прочитайте диалог по ролям и выучите его.

IV. Ответьте письменно на вопросы. Используйте вопросы и ответы для устного сообщения на тему:"My Sports Biography":

    1. J.-C. Killy was born in France, and where were you born? 2. It was Killy's father who brought him to sports, and who brought you to sports? 3. Killy began to take up sports in early childhood, and when did you begin to take up sports? 4. Jean-Claud took up skiing, and what sports event did you take up? 5. When he was eight Jean-Claud won a trophy for ski jumping? How old were you when you won your first trophy? 6. When Killy was ten years old he won a regional race. Did you win any regional competition at the same age? What was it? 7. Are you a Master of Sports ( Candidate Master of Sports)? When did you qualify for this title? 8. At the 1966 Alpine World Championships the French team was awarded sixteen out of twenty-four possible medals. Was your team awarded any medals? When was it? 9. In 1967 before the World Alpine Skiing Cup Killy felt that success was coming to him. When did you feel for the first time that success was coming to you? 10. J.-C. Killy retires from the competition at twenty-four. Did you retire from competition too? Are you an active athlete? 11. Killy's father dreamed that his son would be a world ski champion. What do you dream about?


1. championship nчемпионат

World championshipчемпионат мира

Alpine World Championshipчемпионат мира по

Горнолыжному спорту

Champion nчемпион, победитель

World Cup championпобедитель кубка мира

E. g. The Alpine World Championships were held for the first time in 1966.

2. skiing n лыжный спорт

Ski v, nбегать на лыжах, лыжа

Ski jumpingпрыжки на лыжах c трамплина

Alpine skiingгорнолыжный спорт

E. g. Skiing is a very popular sport in many countries.

    3. event n1. вид спорта 2. соревнование, 3. событие

Combined event многоборье

E. g. He won the season's first slalom event.

4. title nзвание, титул

Overall titleзвание абсолютного чемпиона

Three-event combined titleзвание чемпиона в троеборье

E. g. Killy won the overall title in combined event.

    5. downhill nскоростной спуск 6. strive (strove, striven) v (for)бороться за

E. g. J. C.Killy was striving for a gold medal.

7. slalom ncлалом

Special slalomспециальный слалом

Giant slalomслалом гигант

8. place vзанять (место)

Выступить (в соревновании)

E. g. He placed well in the slalom, downhill and giant slalom events.

    9. hold (held, held) v1.зд. провести, устроить, организовать 2. вмещать 3. держать

E. g. In 1966 the Alpine World Championships were held for the first time.

    10. team nкоманда 11. award vнаграждать

Syn. crown v

E. g. The French team was awarded sixteen out of twenty-four medals.

12. cup nкубок

World Cupкубок мира

World Alpine Skiing Cupкубок мира по горнолыжному спорту

13. victory nпобеда

Victor nпобедитель


E. g.This was the greatest sports victory.

14. success nуспех, удача

To be a successдобиться успеха

Successful aуспешный

Successfully adv. успешно

E. g. Success came to Jean-Claude Killy.

15. prove v доказывать

E. g. J.-C. Killy proved the world that he was the best.

16. use vупотреблять, пользоваться, применять

E. g. His father gave the boy a pair of skies and the freedom to use


17. rival nсоперник

Syn. opponent

E. g. In 1940 he won the mile against his American rivals.

18. race n1. соревнования ( на время)

Syn. competition, contest

2. гонка, забег, заезд

Racer nгонщик

E. g. Before the race he knew the best times of his opponents.

19. win (won, won)vвыиграть, победить,

Одержать победу

E. g. Killy won a gold medal in the downhill.

    20. point nочко 21. standing nположение, зачет

Overall standingsзд. общий зачет

E. g. His victory gave him twenty-five points in the World Cup standing.

22. retire vудаляться, уходить из спорта

E. g. At twenty-four he retired from the competition.

23. equal vравняться, быть равным, уравнивать

E. g. Killy had equalled Toni Sailer's three-medal victory.

24. athletics nлегкая атлетика, спорт

Syn. track-and-field athletics

E. g. Track-and field athletics is the most popular of all Olympic sports.

25. runner nбегун

Middle-distance runnerбегун на средние дистанции

Run (ran, run) vбегать

E. g.Roger Bannister was a medical student and a middle-distance runner.

26. track nдорожка (стадиона),

Трасса, трек

E. g. The story of Bannister off the track is more interesting than all of his races.

27. lap nкруг стадиона

E. g. To cover a mile you should run four laps.

28. aim nцель

Definite aimопределенная цель

E. g. He ran with very definite aim - to find out what the human body could stand.

29. screen nэкран

Cinema screenкиноэкран

E. g. Bannister did more training in front of a cinema screen.

30. movement nдвижение

move vдвигаться

E. g. He studied every movement in the greatest detail.

    31. defeat v наносить поражение 32. speed n скорость

Average speedсредняя скорость

Speed vмчаться, ускорять

33. stamina nвыносливость

Runners of equal staminaбегуны с одинаковой выносливостью

E. g. He did much training to defeat runners of equal stamina and speed.

34. science nнаука

Medical scienceмедицина

Scientist nученый

E. g. Athletics is not only a sport but a science.

    35. ability nспособность, умение 36. intention nнамерение

E. g. Tactics is a study of the ability and intentions of your rivals.

    37. work out vразрабатывать, отрабатывать 38. knowledge nзнание, познание, эрудиция

E. g. His medical knowledge helped him work out tactical schemesof running.

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